2010/6/3 Máirín Duffy <du...@fedoraproject.org>:
> On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 21:01 -0700, Alan Evans wrote:
>> Not all of the feedback from this list was unconstructive. Not all of
>> the responses were abusive or confrontational. But after reviewing the
>> thread in question, I have to say that *many* of your responses were
>> confrontational and many were, frankly, condescending. It didn't seem
>> to matter whether the person you were replying to was trying to be
>> constructive or snarky; your responses seemed designed to pour more
>> fuel on the fire almost every time.
> This is an unfair personal attack, and is not constructive especially
> given the topic of the thread. Please let's talk about making things
> better, and stop pointing fingers and making accusations.

I have to agree with Alan here.  Speaking of the intelligence of
people who use torrents should also know they have to google for it
does not speak well for you at all.

Also pointing out the actions of a person is not a personal attack.
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