On 03/23/2016 12:17 PM, Richard Shaw wrote:
On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Mike Wright
<nob...@nospam.hostisimo.com <mailto:nob...@nospam.hostisimo.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
Goal: connect to a remote pop3 server over an encrypted link.
I'm trying to setup port forwarding but keep receiving a usage
message instead of success. Below is the excerpted man page rule
I'm trying to use:
usage: ssh -L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport]
Here's what I'm trying:
sudo ssh -L lo.cal.ip.adx:11110:rem.ote.ip.adx:110
ssh requires a login so you still need to login as a user to a server
(not necessarily the machine being forwarded to). If you want the local
ip side to accept connections from other computers you'll also need to
add "-g"
# sudo ssh -L lo.cal.ip.adx:11110:rem.ote.ip.adx:110 user@server
Thanks for the response Richard.
I have my public rsa key on the remote side and can establish a regular
ssh connections without any intervention. My pop ap. is already
preloaded with its necessary credentials, too.
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