Le 21/03/2016 23:52, Ed Greshko a écrit :
> On 03/22/16 06:04, François Patte wrote:
>> Of course! If not vlc does not read dvd. But, is libdvdcss is reponsible
>> for the display of dvd icons? I am wondering if there is not a bug
>> there: I took libdvdcss from remi repo (livna was out of order at that
>> time).
> I've not used vlc or DVD's for quite some time.  I don't have any working DVD 
> players so I
> can't try to replicate the issue.  Not sure if one could have built vlc from 
> source with
> builtin DVD support so I figured I best ask as opposed to assume.  You'd be 
> surprised what
> people forget or don't think necessary to reveal.
> Anyway, are the versions of libdvdcss the same on all systems?  Are you 
> adverse to trying
> a desktop other than xfce?
I am sure now that it is not a vlc, libdvdcss, or xfce problem: I tried
to insert a dvd without vlc and libdvdcss installed and no icon is
displayed on the desktop.

I am an adverse to trying another desktop environment (and I am right,
see later).... I installed mate and the problem is the same: no icon is
displayed on the desktop when a dvd is inserted in the drive....

Now, tell me how I can uninstall mate: I installed this desktop using:

dnf group install "mate desktop"

and mate was installed. Before this, I read the man, and it is said that
I could use

dnf group remove ....

BUT: doing this I get an error message: "The operation would result in
removing the protected packages: systemd, dnf

This is awfull: you can install an extra group on a perfectly running
system and if you want to uninstall this extra group, it could break the

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

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