On 03/06/16 09:10, Jonathan Allen wrote:
> Dear List,
> I'm trying to connect a new laptop into an otherwise entirely Fedora
> LAN.  The new machine can see all the (shared, CUPS) printers, but
> won't actually print anything.  'lpr' appears to complete normally,
> teh job says 'completed rending' but the printer status is shown as
> paused.  The debugging output is below.  Can anyone suggest how to
> move forward?

you do not mention if you have laptop dual booting or not, but all this
should still apply.

first, if possible, connect laptop direct to printer, set cups up for
printer, attempt to print to it.

if not, cups is not properly configured.

if does print, cups is not set up properly for network printing.

for network printing, following may help getting it correct.


read: 'man printers.conf'

then check to insure is correct;


   <Printer name>

   <DefaultPrinter name>

   MakeModel  ??

   DeviceURI  ??

   Accepting Yes

   Shared Yes

   Location  ?? local or network ??

at bottom of 'man printers.conf' , note;

   SEE ALSO <- read each

and the 'SEE ALSO' of each.

also check;


   Address  ??

   Community  ??

read: "Printer Sharing";



note, the "??" indicate settings that must be made for network printing.


peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.7



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