On Sat, 2016-02-20 at 20:24 -0600, g wrote:
> > Plenty of SSL implementations have not been broken. If you don't
> > believe that, why are you even using the Internet?
> >
> .
> granted, plenty have not been.
> but plenty does not mean none.
> main of mim hacking are breaking of oos systems because it is weak to
> start
> with and hackers know how to hack 'phone out' progs.
> some reading on ssl/tls hacking.

This is completely beside the point. I know about security issues,
subscribe to Bruce Schneier's newsletter, keep abreast with
developments in crypto and always update my system. I don't need
pointers to more information on these topics.

The point you appear to be making is that you don't use Gmail because
of potential MITM attacks. If that's not what you meant, then please
clarify. What I'm saying is that while you may have reasons not to use
Gmail, this has to be the weakest argument of all. You use email. To
secure your connection to a server you use SSL/TLS, whether it's Gmail
or somebody else, including a server you manage yourself, so what are
we even talking about?

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