On 02/18/16 02:03, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> Hi,
> Lately I have been having issues while updating.  Regularly I encounter
> something like this:

> So I checked, and there is not a single mirror in India!  
>   https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/mirrors/Fedora/23

this is true. so, from above list, you need to decide which repo is closest
to you and use that for your source.

> This is surprising since several technology institutes used to host
> Fedora mirrors.
you could ask them, tho you may find that some admin in computer department
got tire of keeping up with such because he is an ms fanboy, :-)

or, who ever was maintaining has graduated, left campus and no one else
wants to maintain repo server.

> Does anyone have any ideas what happened to them?
not the slightest, other than as above.

> Any suggestions as to how I can instruct dnf to use mirrors closer to home
> (e.g. prefer south-east Asia over Asia-Pacific) would be greatly
> appreciated.

your post seems to boil down to;

  where are dnf repo files and how do i re-point a repo file?

1st - read;

2nd - dnf repo files are located in directory /etc/yum.repos.d.

3rd - re-point repo file.

after reading, open a browser and move view to /etc/yum.repos.d, look for
all files with name Fedora-*.repo. rename them to Fedora-*.repo.old

edit each file and replace current url in "mirrorlist=" with url with
that of closest repo in mirrors list.

> Thanks for any ideas.
*be aware;*
*what i have posted is my understanding of what i have read in docs;*


i do not guaranty this to be best or correct procedure. you can try it or
wait until someone does post what is proper or easier way.

therefore, you are on your own as to what you do. if something goes wrong,
do not blame me. you have been warned.

if you do try what i have suggested, *CYOA - cover your own ass*
make a backup before you attempt.

much luck to you.

> Cheers,
!Metaxa! !OPA!

peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.7



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