On 02/13/16 11:44, jd1008 wrote:
> On 02/12/2016 08:05 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 02/12/2016 06:42 PM, jd1008 wrote:
>>> Interesting. I did not see a link on the page for doing port scan.
>> When you go to that page and click on the button to Proceed, you get to
>> https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2 and if you scroll down past the UPnP 
>> Exposure
>> Test, you'll see where you can have it do a port scan.
> All I am getting from that page is:
> *Browser Reload Suppressed
> *
> For your security, your web browser's "reload"
> function has been temporarily disabled
> Allowing a web browser to "reload" a page which has already been sent to you 
> creates a
> "security hole" that would allow someone using your computer at any later 
> time to attain
> potentially private and personal information.
> To safeguard your privacy we have disabled the browser's "reload" or 
> "refresh" facility
> while you are in sensitive areas of our web site. Reloading pages will 
> function normally
> once you have left this area* . . .* but until then please refrain from 
> "reloading" pages.
> You may press your browser's  [BACK]  button now to return to the page prior 
> to the one
> you were just viewing.
> Thanks very much for your interest and patronage.

To get back to a working page change the URL to simply https://www.grc.com and 
navigate to

Also, I'm sure you're aware, this service is aimed at Windows users and 
somethings they
flag as "Failed" may be something you intend.

In reality, some people should stick to running Windows and others should stay 
away from
computers altogether.
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