On 02/12/2016 11:10 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:

I have been messing with a firewall file and added the following:

config rule
         option src              lan
         option src_ip
         option dest             wan
         option target   REJECT

It works to prevent internet access from that ip. However I can still
ping which leaves wondering if that is adequate isolation. Can
that be improved on?

I have never done anything with iptables and I am pushing my skill level
in this but it is encouraging to have something actually work ...

Not sure which firewall you're using. Judging by your description of its
behavior, the odds are that the (unless otherwise specified) default
protocol the rules affect is TCP. If that's the case, yes, your rules
would prevent TCP-based activity (telnet, ssh, web, etc.) from working,
but would NOT prevent UDP-based traffic (normal DNS queries for
instance) or ICMP-based traffic (such as ping, traceroute, etc.).

There's a whole lot of protocols that come under the "IP" umbrella.
Dump out the content of /etc/protocols if you want to see a (fairly
complete, but not exhaustive) list of what's out there.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-  Diplomacy: The art of saying "Nice doggy!" until you can find a   -
-                            big enough rock.                        -
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