Op Mon, 01 Feb 2016 16:10:57 +0100 schreef Mark C. Allman <mcall...@allmanpc.com>:

On 02/01/2016 10:00 AM, Ger van Dijck wrote:
Dear friends,

When doing a fresh install (fc23) the system boots with kernel

When updating the system installs kernel 4.3.4-300.fc232+PAE.

I have the idea that **304** is newer then **300** ; Or am I wrong?

I had two weeks ago big problems ""disk image corrupt"" after an
update and had to reinstall FC23.

Can you inform me?

Kind regards,

Ger van Dijck.

Kernel 4.3.4<anything> is, I believe, newer than 4.3.3<anything>.  The
name 4.3.4-300.fc232+PAE is odd though. What is "fc232?"  Or was that
just a typo (as we all do more often than we care to admit ;-)?

-- Mark C. Allman, PMP, CSM

It is indeed a typo : Has to be ""fc23"".

Nice greetings Mark.

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