On Sat, 2016-01-23 at 07:04 +0100, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> Some time around fc21/fc22, the defaults for mount-type for nfs
> mounts 
> was changed to nfsv4.


> I.e. if your server is nfsv3, you should check your nfs-related 
> config-files in /etc/.

I haven't explained myself clearly enough. It's not my NFS server that
is suddenly incompatible with Fedora 22. I can still manually mount (as
root) any of the exports on the NFS server from my Fedora 22 desktop.

The problem is Nautilus itself is telling me this:

"This file server type is not recognized."

That happens the very second I type "nfs://" into the "Server Address"
box for the "Connect to Server" dialog window. I haven't even typed the
location of the nfs export. Nautilus is complaining the nfs URL is not

This worked like a charm before. I still have my nfs bookmarks saved in
Nautilus. But, Nautilus no longer recognizes nfs URLs. This is not my
server - this is a Nautilus problem.

What has broken?? :(


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