Quoting Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com>:

On 01/18/16 20:08, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

  for my own benefit, i started a wiki page to keep track of issues i run
across with this laptop:


and i'll post solutions there as well as they come up. feel free to let
me know if i should add other issues, or if you have solutions and i'll
add them.

With regards to the SSD issue. You said the BIOS isn't detecting it? The specs seem to indicate that the interface is SATA III but it doesn't mention if it is backwards compatible. I ask this since I could not find the SATA spec for your ASUS laptop.

For this issue, wouldn't it be best to contact Asus Support?

  ok, someone feel free to weigh on what i was told by the techie guy
at the place where i bought the laptop (who seems like a fairly
knowledgeable guy and definitely knows a fair bit about linux).

  he claims that, after some research, it's a shortcoming in grub2 which
doesn't yet have support for M.2 SSD disks (which hang off the PCIe bus).
he claims that, based on what he read, that support is "coming", but
this laptop is so new, linux just needs a bit of time to catch up with
some of the features.

  i pointed out that the SSD drive is not being used as the boot disk
so i wasn't sure what grub had to do with it, but he claims that, even
if it's not the boot disk, grub2 still needs to have the proper support

  i'm still keeping track of current shortcomings on this laptop at:


and i'm about to add one more. if anyone else is using the same or
similar laptop and has other issues, i can add them to the list.


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