
I already read that the Anaconda installer does not allow me to reuse the /
partition to install Fedora 23. I understand the reasons.

I am trying to install Fedora 23 on a USB that will be permanently attached
to a BeeBox system while the drive arrives on the mail. Problem is that for
some rason, whomever has to format the usb drive crashes. Solution: Make
partitioning and formating outside. But now, Anconda does not allow me to
use the freshly made / partition to install the system, it wants to do it
on its own and it crashes everytime it tries.

Is there a solution to this catch 22?

 |O O|  pepeb...@gmail.com
 ~~~~     Javier Perez
 ~~~~          While the night runs
 ~~~~          toward the day...
  m m       Pepebuho watches
                from his high perch.
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