On Tue, 2015-12-29 at 08:19 -0500, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> At some point recently, my monitor stopped getting turned off after
> the  
> prescribed period of inactivity. I'm using the XFCE power manager,
> and its  
> settings remain untouched.
> Manually executing "xset dpms force off" turns the monitor off
> normally.  
> "xset q" shows that everything appears to be in order:
> DPMS (Energy Star):
>   Standby: 300    Suspend: 360    Off: 420
>   DPMS is Enabled
>   Monitor is On
> So, what else can I check?

I doubt this is your issue, but just in case...

Does it only fail to do the "Off" part or is it not doing any of the 

I got tired of cats and random vibrations waking my monitor up, so I
added the below to my startup programs:

>cat xscreensaver-mouse-disble.pl 
# This watches for transitions of `xscreen saver` and disables the
mouse when it turns on
# and enables the mouse when it wakes up.  This stops the mouse from
waking the monitor.
my $blanked = 0;
open (IN, "xscreensaver-command -watch |");
while (<IN>) {
    if (m/^(BLANK|LOCK)/) {
        if (!$blanked) {
            system "xinput --set-prop 8 'Device Enabled' '0'";
            $blanked = 1;
    } elsif (m/^UNBLANK/) {
        system "xinput --set-prop 8 'Device Enabled' '1'";
        $blanked = 0;

Doug H.
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