Once upon a time, I believe it was Fedora 17 or Fedora 19, I was a happy camper.
I used to download a Fedora LiveCD, and it included everything I needed for functional work on a otherwise Windows netbook. I just booted off the USB Flash Drive, and off I went to do my daily online chores like E-Mail, twitter, and ocassional image editing via my favorite small image editor (Java Image Editor). That was because OpenJDK 7 was included in the LiveCD image. This served multiple purposes: 1. Leaving the Windows partition unchanged 2. Not losing space on the small HDD with a Linux install 3. Not leaving my files behind on the system 4. Making an effort to put my data files on the Cloud or LAN network attached storage, NOT the individual system's HDD. Suddenly (I don't remember which release, but you can check the mailing list archives for my rant on the matter) OpenJDK binaries were removed from the live CD so I could no longer "java -jar JavaImageEditor.jar" nor could I use JNLP to launch desktop Java apps. I came to the list at the time to rant, and if I remember correctly the answer was that OpenJDK was removed from the LiveCD due to space constraints, and that it was a real challenge to keep everything to still fit into a CD image. Well, nowadays the Fedora 23 Mate-Compiz LiveCD I'm using is well above the 700MB CD-R limit, and I'm saving the LiveCD image to a 4GB pen drive anyway, yet not only OpenJDK 7 is not there -it should be OpenJDK 8 by now, by the way-, but also other useful stuff -native Linux binaries, command line utils that are a must-have- are also removed for no apparent reason. Case in point: I booted off the LiveCD the other day needing to do a quick change to a LAN router I have at home, and which provides access to the LAN side via TELNET. Well, guess what? there's no telnet in the LiveCD. But it is in the repos. I did a yum install telnet and found it only uses 76 kbytes. So telnet is not there to save 76 kbytes off the livecd image size. Wow. But the plot tickens. I wanted to download a mirrorr of a subsection of a web site to another usb flash drive using wget, using the wget -m -np -k -c syntax I know and love, and found .... WGET is not there either. Since I have learned that the Fedora community is quite hostile to any kind of complaint ("it's as-is because we-know-better and you-re-surely-doing-things-wrong" or "why-do-you-want-to-do-that-in-the-first-place" or "why-dont-you-just-install-the-full-fedora-instead-of-booting-off-a-LiveCD-from-a-Flash-Drive"), my hopes of this being "fixed" (openJDK being reinstated into the LiveCD image, along with telnet and wget), I think I'll end up taking things into my own hands and "fixing" the LiveCD images. So, is there an up-to-date tutorial out there on how to add stuff from the repos of a Fedora distro repos into the LiveCD image so the packages are available when LiveCD boots? Thanks in advance. FC -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act - George Orwell
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