On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 3:26 AM, arnaud gaboury <arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com>

> I have some rpm packages I have built myself. I need to create a local
> repo in order to reference these packages and solve dependency issues.
> What I did:
> - put all my .rpm in one folder
> - # createrepo /my/path/to/rpm
> The last command create and populate a subdir repodata
> then:
> # dnf config-manager --add-repo file:///my/path/to/rpm
> It added a file in /etc/yum.repo.d:
> ----------------------------------------
> name=created by dnf config-manager from file:///storage/development/rpm/
> baseurl=file:///storage/development/rpm/
> enabled=1
> ---------------------------------------
> % dnf repolist
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'storage_development_rpm_' from
> 'file:///storage/development/rpm/': Yum repo downloading error:
> Downloading error(s):
> repodata/05309df762126d0acf74bbdb339aca4cccb304abb6305383785dcf3ff207d68e-filelists.xml.gz
> - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success,
> disabling.
> Last metadata expiration check performed 16:11:26 ago on Mon Dec  7
> 18:13:09 2015.
> repo id                                     repo name
>                   status
> *fedora                                     Fedora 23 - x86_64
>                   46,074
> home_jeroenooms_opencpu-1.5                 OpenCPU 1.5 (Fedora_22)
>                       14
> trillian                                    Trillian
>                        2
> *updates                                    Fedora 23 - x86_64 -
> Updates                  6,69
> There is no surprise as it is a local sqlite DB (as far as I understood).
> How shall I solve this issue without setting a http/ftp service ?

It can handle local repo's fine so that's not your problem. I basically do
the same thing but I put mine in /var/local/packages/$releasever

I would check permissions instead although I've never used the dnf addrepo
command, I wrote my own .repo file.

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