
I'm trying to print a test page to my new network printer (HP Laserjet
Pro MFP 126nw) but it keeps failing with the message: stopped "Filter

systemctl says I should look in /var/log/cups/error_log for more
details, but my error_log is empty, and the last modified time is from
last year!  So I changed LogLevel to debug in cupsd.conf and restarted
the service.  This prints all sorts of debug messages to the journal,
although none to error_log.  Strangely enough, the journal still says:
[Job 325] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log
file for details.

I have checked all the "common cures" I found on the Internet, size of
/var/spool/cups (<700k for me), device permissions (doesn't apply as I'm
printing over the network).  I have always printed over the network (to
other printers), so I'm not sure what is going wrong this time.

Any thoughts what is the problem?  Any ideas I could try?



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