On 12/02/2015 12:00 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 12/02/2015 11:42 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
Read what Patrick wrote as referring to the average *professional*
Linux admin and remember that there are many of us out here who only
use Fedora on our home machines.

I did.  He made a claim about what "average" admins know, without any
evidence to back it up.  I think that attributing your own goals and
desires to the community at large is a dishonest way to engage in

OK, fair enough. I, however, thought that he was lumping home users and professionals together, which made his comment more reasonable. And, I must agree that some sort of evidence would have been nice.

Patrick, please let us know what you meant by "average Linux admin" because I know that I can't read your mind and I doubt that Gordon can either.
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