On 1 December 2015 at 14:25, Ranjan Maitra <maitra.mbox.igno...@inbox.com>

> On Tue, 1 Dec 2015 14:21:59 +0100 Michael Schwendt <mschwe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 1 Dec 2015 13:08:29 +0000, James Hogarth wrote:
> >
> > > The if you want to proceed take the following steps:
> > > 1. Fix up your bugzilla/FAS accounts
> >
> > Really do enter your real name in bugzilla and package %changelogs, too,
> > and avoid using pseudonyms/aliases even if you find them "cool" or
> > anything like that. There are enough fellow contributors, who are put
> > off by silly names like that.
> The changelog (in the spec file?) and the FAS account has my real name
> (and e-mail address, FWIW). My BZ account goes back in time -- I have been
> quite active in submitting and testing bug reports for almost ten years --
> so  it has a different e-mail address (when more mailing lists plastered
> your e-mail address and name unfiltered). I don't quite understand why this
> should be an issue, and I note also that BZ makes the e-mail address widely
> available to everybody, therefore I was reluctant to change it. I will
> think about what to do.
I pointed you to this:

Have you read it yet?

Note that the mailing list bears no relation to the address in FAS ... this
is what we are talking about (ignoring the preference for real name over
pseudonym in bugzilla).

Although adjusting spec as per direction from others you don't appear to be
making an effort on the process/people side of things.

I laid out clear steps for you to follow - they are not complicated.

If you aren't willing to do the modicum amount of work to actually take
part in packagers group and seek a sponsor then I'm not willing to take
time out of my day to go through fedora-review on your packaging request.

Incidentally the 'EOL' notice you're expecting won't happen with a
packaging request as that's targeted against rawhide and not a specific
fedora revision.
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