Heinz Diehl writes:

Automatically introducing complexity into 95% of the users systems just because it could
be useful some day is, quite frankly, embarassing. It makes sense the
other way 'round: complexity adds to the diffculties when
having to handle data operations (backup, encryption, transfer,
recovery..) , which in turn makes data loss more likely.


Such as during the grub -> grub2 transition, when a larger spare chunk of space was needed, after the MBR, to accomodate the larger bootloader.

Two of my servers did not have sufficient space for grub2. But both of them were formatted as raw, RAID-1 volumes. This made it possible to use a combination of resize2fs+fdisk to repartition "in-place", in order to give more spare room to the MBR.

But if I had to deal with useless LVM interloper, I would've been, pretty much, up the creek.

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