On 11/25/15 00:20, Joachim Backes wrote:


did you try to access the scanner as root user? In earlier times, I had sometimes similar problems, and accessing the scanner as root user was a workaround.

I'm running a fully updated F23 too, and my USB scanner Canon-Lide30 still operates flawlessly:

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04a9:220e Canon, Inc. CanoScan N1240U/LiDE 30

Joachim Backes


Yes, I tried it as route and both F-23 desktop boxes, USB 2 and 3 ports, checked that the following had been done [from my notes]:

> Create a file named /lib/udev/rules.d/90-local.rules containing this line:
> SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03f0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5611", GROUP="scanner", MODE="0660"
I am beginning to think the scanner has failed. I bought it new and it has lived an easy life, little used, however stuff does fail ... It has always just worked!

I think I will try the xsane list, assuming it still exists, before I give up. I have a similar HP scanner I can try if I can find the wall wart for it,

Thank you for your response,


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3

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