On Wednesday 18 Nov 2015 8:28:18 AM Jan Zelený wrote:
> > 1. Why does `dnf group remove lxqt` wants to remove everything on my
> > system? Most of it is not explicitely installed by me
> > https://paste.fedoraproject.org/291300/
> That might be the reason. Dnf removes parts of the system that are marked
> as  "installed only as a dependency" as soon as the packages depending on
> them are being removed. If you don't want this behavior, check out the
> config option called clean_requirements_on_remove. You can also take a look
> at the dnf mark command.

KDE Plasma Desktop and Workstation is both installed. Their deps are also 
being removed.

I installed gnome-shell-extension-gpaste manually and am not sure why it is 
being removed by removing an unrelated desktop environment.

Juk was installed manually. Why is it being removed?

> > 2. How can I reinstall lxqt group?
> You first need to uninstall it. Groups are objects independent of the
> packages  they contain. Check out the dnf group mark command.

Thanks. dnf group mark is what I needed.

Sudhir Khanger,

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