I did install it, but I guess I have to restart Firefox. I HATE that; I have 20 some firefox windows open most with multiple tabs... Of course firefox does a good job of restarting all those windows and tabs, but I have to move them to the proper workspace.

On 11/17/2015 11:54 AM, Birger Monsen wrote:
You must have icedtea-web installed. It is the java plugin for firefox. Java 
does not work in chrome.

17. nov. 2015 5.26 p.m. skrev Robert Moskowitz <r...@htt-consult.com>:
I need to join a WebEx conference this afternoon.   I no longer have a
Win system I can steal for a couple hours.  And in my attempt to test
WebEx I get that Java is not working.

Java is installed.  Do I have to do some specific configuration to get
java working for this?

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