2015-11-16 22:28 GMT-06:00 Sudhir Khanger <m...@sudhirkhanger.com>:
> Hi,
> I learned it the hard way that dnf undo/rollback will fail if packages to
> rollback to are missing. DNF devs don't think it is their problem that
> packages go missing. Even keepcache is set to false so that the chances of
> losing packages go high. I don't follow the logic that you write a feature
> but it's requirements are left to be fulfilled by fate of luck.
In the memorables yum days, yum was able to manage the installation
and upgrades from local packages and local repos build from
/var/cache/yum cached packages.

I read somewhere, that this feature is set false to prevent normal
users cache from growing up out of control (space).

>> keepcache
>> Keeps downloaded packages in the cache when set to True.
Yeaps, after adding this line to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf:

> How much cache is kept? Is there a size limit? Is there a number of packages
> limit? Is there a number-of-versions-of-a-package limit?
There is not a unique answer to this question, since the amount of
data you can download through a Fedora cycle is determined by the
amount of times that a package receive an update.

If from the very start, after installing from a live media install if
you set it true, maybe at the end of a Fedora cycle you may end with
some gigas stored in your /var/cache/dnf, I still conserve my fedora
17 cache and is about 4 GB even when I reinstalled it because of
unconformity with Fedora 18.

So the unique limit you have is delimited by the space you have to
store data on your /var/cache/dnf, many people recommends having /var/
in a dedicated partition, even on a dedicated disk. The are not limit
on the size apart from the size of the disk/partition, there are not
limit on the number of packages nor it's numbers of versions.

>> Even if it is set to False and packages have not been installed they will
>> still persist until next successful transaction. The default is False.
They persist until the transaction and installation/upgrading process ends.

> Does that mean if I upgrade to pkg-1.0 to pkg-2.0 to pkg-3.0, pkg-1.0 is
> kept when it is upgraded to pkg-2.0 and when pkg-2.0 is upgraded to pkg-3.0
> it deletes pkg-1.0 and keeps pkg-2.0 in cache? Basically the last version is
> kept and all previous are deleted. How is this changed when a user sets
> keepcache to 1?
Nop, on the /var/cache/dnf/ is kept every all of package you download
as a result of installing it or dnf downloading it as an update.

> It probably seems it is best to setup dnf-local-plugin which keeps all the
> packages ever installed on my system.
You may keep all of the installed package un /var/cache, but not
having many diferent version installed at the same time.

> Regards,
> Sudhir Khanger,
> sudhirkhanger.com.
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