On 10/14/2015 01:31 PM, William Biggs wrote:
> I downloaded the 32 bit ver of xface fedora spin . I burned it to dvd .
> After I try to boot it will not boot at att so I try to re download it
> try to burn it agine it dose burn it all the way and pass . But when I
> try to boot off dvd it dose not boot . So I try a burn copy of the 64bit
> ver and it boot's just fine . Any ides 

I assume you meant Fedora-Live-Xfce-i686-22-3.iso.  I just downloaded and 
booted using the ISO in a Virtual Machine.

Did you check the download checksum?

[egreshko@meimei F22]$ sha256sum Fedora-Live-Xfce-i686-22-3.iso

In reality, some people should stick to running Windows and others should stay 
away from computers altogether.
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