Gregory P. Ennis wrote:

>>> Tom Horsley wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 31 May 2010 13:41:13 -0500
>>>> Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
>>>>> Adobe flash seems to be installed properly, but the youtube videos
>>>>> will
>>>>> not function properly.  Any body have a solution for this?
>>>> I did a clean install of f13 and video works fine for me. You
>>>> might want to try creating a brand new user and see if it
>>>> can play video, may be something incompatible leftover
>>>> in ~/.mozilla.
>>>> There was also a mysterious problem I had when I made /home
>>>> be a symlink. Some firefox stuff wouldn't work. I changed it
>>>> to use a bind mount instead and all was well.
>>> Install chrome, AFAIK it has flash builtin.  On youtube, use html5
>>> anyway.
>>> [google-chrome]
>>> name=google-chrome
>>> baseurl=
>>> enabled=1
>>> gpgcheck=1
>>> Neal,
>>> I already have xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-2.fc13.i686 installed.  I
>>> was under the impression that html5 did not work with firefox :
>>> Thanks for your response!!!!
>>> Greg
>> xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.904-2.fc13.i686 has nothing to do with google
>> chrome, that's an X11 driver.
>> OTOH, I have the same problem as you.  flash isn't working for me either.
>> Did under F12.
>> ----------------------------
>> Nael.... thanks for the information.  Sorry it does not work for you too,
>> but it does make me feel a little better :)
> Working now.
> I installed flashplayer 10.1rc6.  Moved to
> /usr/lib/flash-
> plugin.  Symlinked to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.  Ran (as root)  mozilla-
> plugin-config -i -v.
> visit
> seems to be working under google chrome 6.0.408.1
> BTW, my system is x86-64.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Neal,
> Thanks much.  I used your method and firefox worked for me too.  I even
> downloaded the browser, chrome, and it worked as well.
> Thanks much for your help.  I hope this thread saves a lot of time for
> others!!!!
> Greg

To make it work under chrome, I symlinked all the files in 
/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins-wrapped to /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/plugins 
after running mozilla-plugin-config.

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