
I recently purchased a Acer CB5-571-58HF and installed Fedora 21 on it
using MATE as my window manager. Everything seems to run perfectly.
However, I'm really annoyed with the keyboard because everything I've tried
doesn't seem to work... After a couple of updates it seems like the volume
and brightness keys work by default. What I really want though, is a home,
end, delete, pageup/down, and insert buttons. I've tried setting these
buttons up behind xbindkeys or xmodmap, and for whatever reason, it doesn't
seem to work everywhere.

For example, the default keyboard schema supports pressing Shift + Up as
PageUp, Shift + Down as PageDown. These two combinations will work in
mate-terminal, however if I try to use them in google-chrome, or pretty
much anything else they don't. Also, Shift + Left is Home, but using it in
a terminal instead will shift the view all the way to the top of the buffer
instead of moving the cursor to the beginning of the line, this is also the
same for Shift + Right, which is Prior, it instead is used to move the view
all the way to the bottom of the buffer.

I would love to get Shift + BackSpace as Delete and Ctrl + Shift +
BackSpace as Insert, but I've not had any luck doing so with xmodmap or

Has anyone used a Chromebook on Fedora and experienced similar issues, and
if so would you be able to provide any details on how you corrected them,
pertaining to the keyboard schema?

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