Dear folks,

I had a crontab entry to shutdown machine for a while.  It had

30 16 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/poweroff > 2&>1 /dev/null

and machine shutdown every weekday (mon-fri) at 4:30 pm.  But I don't remember 
which fedora 19/20 the crontab entry (did not work as regular user but I had to 
use it as root user) now it seems to work by command line 

$ /usr/sbin/poweroff  

powers off machine.  But if I leave the same command in crontab entry 
it(machine) does not poweroff.  What could be preventing the machine from 
powering off?  What should I try?  I know that I can become superuser and add a 
crontab as superuser(root) and machine will shutdown, but how can I do it 
without being root?  It used to work before via crontab, it did not 2 or three 
releases ago, now it seems to work from terminal, but not from crontab.  Any 
ideas.  Running Fedora 22 on machine in question.

Best Regards,

Antonio A. Olivares

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