On 09/16/15 07:26, Susi Lehtola wrote:
> On 09/15/2015 04:14 PM, jd1008 wrote:
>>> The correct update from F21 to F22 is:
>>>     fedup --network 22
>>> fedup should have puked on "--product=nonproduct" as that's not a
>>> supported option since F21.
>>> Also check your repos.d files and make sure you haven't enabled rawhide.
>> Hi Rick,
>> None of rawhide repos are enabled.
>> The latest version of fedup in f21 is fedpkg-1.20-1.fc21.noarch.rpm
>> # rpm -q fedup
>> fedup-0.9.2-1.fc21.noarch
> Now I'm confused. Quoting from your earlier message
> On 09/14/2015 01:04 PM, jd1008 wrote:
> > On a laptop with
> > 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n
> > (rev 01)
> > and kernel: kernel-4.3.0-0.rc0.git11.1
> >
> > and compiled modules:
> > /lib/modules/4.3.0-0.rc0.git11.1.fc20.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/phy/bcm7xxx.ko.xz
> >
> > /lib/modules/4.3.0-0.rc0.git11.1.fc20.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/phy/bcm87xx.ko.xz
> you seem to be running Fedora 20, not Fedora 21. Have you updated part of 
> your system to Fedora 21? If that is the case, I agree with Gordon. You 
> should do a clean install of Fedora 22.

And, if you noticed, the kernel he is using is recompiled for F20 from a 
downloaded srpm from koji which is targeted for F24.  So, who knows what other 
"modifications" have been done to this system? 

It seems most people that say they are "done talking about it" never really are 
until given the last word.
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