On 09/13/15 11:16, Kam Leo wrote:
> "dnf includes fastestmirror functionality in standard package (no plugin 
> needed). You just need to enable it in |/etc/dnf/dnf.conf| by setting 
> |fastestmirror=1|. It is disabled by default (man dnf.conf 
> <http://linuxmanpages.net/manpages/fedora21/man8/dnf.conf.8.html>).

I think a little reflection is necessary.

The OP mentioned the process running on his system to be /bin/apper.  This is a 
KDE interface to PackageKit.  AFAIK, it doesn't use the configuration 
information of dnf.

It seems most people that say they are "done talking about it" never really are 
until given the last word.
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