On 09/09/15 23:43, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 09/10/15 06:18, John Pilkington wrote:
... and (on my SL7 box) # tcpdump port 123
shows the outgoing probe and the response, for calculation of the transit time:

23:01:55.706587 IP HP_Box.home.ntp > vpn.webersheim.de.ntp: NTPv3, Client, 
length 48
23:01:55.741872 IP vpn.webersheim.de.ntp > HP_Box.home.ntp: NTPv3, Server, 
length 48
23:09:18.187249 IP HP_Box.home.ntp > NTPv3, Client, length 
23:09:18.323093 IP > HP_Box.home.ntp: NTPv3, Server, length 
23:12:00.892883 IP HP_Box.home.ntp > srv02.privatcloud.dk.ntp: NTPv3, Client, 
length 48
23:12:00.912962 IP srv02.privatcloud.dk.ntp > HP_Box.home.ntp: NTPv3, Server, 
length 48

Nice to know....  Yet you really should consider trimming.  Otherwise you'll 
start to prove top-posters right.  :-) :-)

Yes: I wanted to show the contrast with the non-working log above, but should have trimmed the rest.

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