On 09.09.2015, Paul Smith wrote: 

> What can I do to repair the filesystem?
Go to http://www.sysresccd.org and download the sysresccd image to
another machine. Then burn in onto a CD and boot from it. If you have
the syslinux tools installed, you can run

 isohybrid sysresccd.iso

and then copy this image to an USB-stick: cat image.iso > /dev/sdX
and boot from it.

After that, you can use "lsblk -f" to see what kind of filesystems you
have on your damaged machine and the respective blockdevices. The
sysresccd holds all the tools you need to repair most fs: fsck,
xfs_repair and more.

ext3/4 can be repaired using "fsck.ext3 /dev/sdX" or fsck.ext4

For XFS, "xfs_repair -v /dev/sdX" will do it.

A DOS Partition can be repaired this way:
dosfsck -w -r -l -a -v -t /dev/sdX

After repairing, boot your machine, delete the defective libidn.so.11
and reinstall that package. Most probably, this lib got truncated by a
fs crash and became thus unusable.

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