On Wed, 2015-09-02 at 14:06 +0200, Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:
> not.
> After having installed kde-desktop on Fedora 22, and chosing Plasma 
> as environment from gdm I am greeted by a grey screen with only a
> pointer to move. Looks like it doesn't even load a window manager.
Very odd. I had the same problem on my home laptop last night. I run
KDE by default, and after performing a 'dnf update', which brought in a
lot of updates (I hadn't updated for a while), when I restarted the
laptop all I got was the mouse cursor on a black screen.

The ~/.xsession-errors file indicated that kwin_x11 was crashing. I
tried downgrading kwin but that caused other problems. I could not get
focus on apps (such as a browser accessing google), but could with a
konsole. The maximise/minimise icons (at top right) were missing from
the browser and konsole too.

I tried updating to updates-testing repo versions, and then rebooting,
but that didn't help and in fact I lost the network connection as well.

This morning I have just booted up the laptop, and all seems to be
working well. I can log in, the desktop looks fine, the apps and
network are working fine.

As said, very odd.


John Horne                   Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
Plymouth University, UK

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