Every single fedora release, and sometimes even just from
an update where there wasn't a full release, the sound
devices get renumbered or renamed. The last time I
tried to play a movie and send the sound to the optical
output connected to my receiver, this worked:

pacmd set-card-profile 1 off
mplayer -vo gl_nosw -ao alsa:device=hw=1.1 -ac hwdts,hwac3, -monitoraspect 16:9 
-fs "$@"

I tried it last night for the first time in a while, and
it doesn't work. I've had to fiddle this script over and
over again every time sound devices change.

When are we going to get immutable names for sound devices?
If they can do it for ethernet ports, surely they can
do it for sound cards, right? (Though come to think of it
the "immutable" ethernet port names change in every release
as well :-).

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