On 22/08/15 13:41, g wrote:

*OOPPSS* see below.

On 08/22/15 12:34, g wrote:

another point on causing problems, do not have thunderbird run any
automatic compacting of folders or deleting of Trash while thunderbird
is in online state. put thunder in offline state, click "dual terminal"
icon in lower left of thunderbird window, then run compacting manually.
manual compacting can be done from Menu bar or pressing <alt+f>,<f>.
manual deleting of trash is <alt+f>,<t>.
correct to read <alt+f>,<y>    ^^^^^^^^^

I was about to give up on Thunderbird and Gmail until I tried filtering the messages into "Local Folders" as you suggest. That looks like it may produce more predictable results.

I would really like to eliminate that ghost "gmail" account that shows up in the Thunderbird list.

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-22/64bit LINUX XFCE

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