On 08/15/15 15:56, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 15/08/15 15:35, g wrote:
>> .
>> from what i have been seeing in dnf related post, you might check to
>> insure that you did not use yum arguments that do not work with dnf.
> .
> Most likely an internet problem, I just did a dnf update on that 
> computer without a hitch?
nft. ;-)

>> not sure just what you are trying to do???
>> are you saying that you used gmail.wildblue.net or you used wildblue.net
>> to get to gmail.com with thunderbird?
> .
> Eight years ago wildblue had their own mail system, five or six years 
> ago they switched to Google Mail and we were required configure 
> Thunderbird to address the gmail servers, ie: pop.googlemail.com to 
> receive mail, and their smtp to send.
ok. you need to contact gmail.com and ask them how you can go about
regaining access to your emails.

gaagle should have given wildblue enough time to notified their customers
that gmail service was ending so wildblue customers could pull their
emails off gmail server.

such crap is why i like small independent isp's that allow customers to
use ftp connection to their server directory.

>> "HOME1/MAIL" is the nfs server?
> .
> Yes

>> is "pop.gmail.com" a server that you used browser to join, or is it what
>> wildblue used?
>> or, where you using your wildblue account to pull emails from pop.gmail?
> .
> The mail could be accessed with a browser on  googles web  mail page but 
> I never used that except to look through the spam they collected when I 
> thought something was missing and my have been diverted as spam.
thanks to bellsouth/at&t turning email over to yuckahoo, i had to set my
email configs on server so that i pull emails from spam folder and not
delete emails.

every day i have to log on to yuckahoo and mark good emails that are in
spam folder as not spam in hopes that yuckahoo server would learn what
is and is not spam. i also mark as spam what yuckahoo thinks is good.
it is a loosing battle.

what is worse is that they no longer offer ability to certify email
senders as not being spam.

even worse is fact that yuckahoo does a lot of bouncing of my support
list emails. every day i get threads without original post and a lot
of 're:' post get bounced to that i only know what a solution is is
if the op replies to entire post showing solution.

>> pull your emails off the web based email servers and set up your own
>> archiving server for your emails.
>> because you are using linux, you can soft link to paths and they will
>> look like the email folders are on your client drive.
> .
> Not sure how I would go about doing that but I am open to suggestions.
set up one of your servers to pull all emails. set filters to move emails
to various folders by recipient, by sender, as in subscribed list, etc.

for each user/recipient, mount the server drive and path to the above
folder directories on user/recipient system. link the directories to
the thunderbird "Mail/Local Folders" subfolder.

>> transfer locally or transfer between the 2 inet servers?
> .
> Essentially I have been transferring "Mail" between Thunderbird on one 
> computer to Thunderbird on others via my nsf server, /mnt/HOME1/MAIL, 
> being available to two others. It also serves as an archive of sorts for 
> all the mail. And it simplifies configuring Thunderbird since it brings 
> in the various filters, etc.
by soft linking nsf directories into "Mail/Local Folder" path, you can
eliminate having to do so manually.

>> what you really need to handle your problem is a hosted web site and set
>> up your own email server.
> .
> That would be another recurring cost, I already pay Viasat a lot for 
> what I have ...
maybe we need to get a group together of linux users that are having email
server problems and jointly set up on a host our own site and email server
so we can start to enjoy emails again. :-)

peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.6



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