On 08/16/15 00:39, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> How do I download a thunderbird rpm for Fedora 22? I'm sure Mozilla will 
> provide one. dnf install thunderbird will do it but that does not give me an 
> rpm I can use for another install.
> Normally this is not a problem but in messing with thunderbird I have been 
> forced to dnf install a copy each time I want to start over which seems a 
> waste. especially when my Viasat usage is limited to an allocated amount each 
> month ... 
If you have the dnf-plugins-core package installed dnf will have a "download" 

See http://dnf.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cli_vs_yum.html and the section on 
"Changes in DNF plugins compared to Yum utilities".

It seems most people that say they are "done talking about it" never really are 
until given the last word.
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