On 11.08.2015, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: 

> So two update commands at different times give different results?

If "two update commands issued directly after another" qualify as "at
different times", then yes. In fact, there was not more than max. one
minute between the two.

> > Dnf hasn't been working properly since F22, while I had not a single
> > problem with yum ever. Still I have to use "dnf clean all" before
> > updating, just to be sure to get all available updates.
> No you don't, as has been explained several times recently. You can use
> "clean metadata" or "--refresh". Doing both is redundant.

Obviously, you haven't read my mail with enough attention. The
time between the commands is clearly stated, and so are the commands
itself. I already used the "--refresh" parameter, and it wasn't enough
to get all available updates. Thus "clean all".

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