2015-08-03 17:51 GMT+02:00, Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com>:
> On 08/03/15 23:19, jd1008 wrote:
>> My suspicion is that it is not html5.
>> I say this because, even though I was cruising youtube,
>> I was not playing anything. Furthermore, I used an addon
>> to block all ads, so I had no animated ads, nor any ads
>> on the pages. So, I am puzzled about what is eating the
>> cpu bandwidth. I wish there were away for the user to
>> view all the JS directives that FF receives from the web sites
>> so we can know exactly what it is doing. We  need to
>> able to exercise total control over what the browser is
>> doing on behalf the websites we visit.
>> When I killed FF, cpu usage went down to 2%.
> Looking back at the archives you seem to have more problems than you can
> shake a stick at.
> I tried very hard today to get FF into the condition you're reporting and
> could not.  I went on eBay, YouTube, CNN, mlb.com, NYtimes and a whole bunch
> of other places.  I had 8 tabs open including Facebook and G+.  No issues.
> But, I also don't have any addons or extensions to firefox since that isn't
> my browser of choice.
It's not easily reproducible, but it does happen a lot for me, too.
Even with JS switched off and Flash killed.
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