 Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email: pdu...@gmx.com
 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
 Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale           | |
 Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12                   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann                 | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 5:17 PM
> From: "Michael Schwendt" <mschwe...@gmail.com>
> To: users@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Subject: Re: Update 20 -> 22, failure
> On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 17:06:10 +0200, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > OK.
> > But, since it work with the Live Version. Why should I use
> > other drivers.
> > In my opinion, it is "just" a configuration issue.
> > From 20 to 22, something is different!!
> It _should_ just work. Did you need to configure anything when
> running the Live version? No. Why would you want to configure
> anything for your installation then?

Starx would like to configure, but crashes.

> Opening lots of individual threads on this mailing-list will
> not lead to much. It only creates a mess as the few bits of
> data about your h/w and s/w are spread in many places. And
> nobody knows what you've done to your F20 installation anyway.
> Try collecting details. Which "Live Version" exactly does work?
Live 22 Workstation i686
> Refer to it with its full name and architecture. When running
> it, you can examing its log files, too. Compare with your
> broken installation. Your problem description is still poor.
Just tell me exactly which files a should compare?
Live does not seems to create much files in /etc/X11
I am not anymore in front of machine right now, because I needed to move.

> The X server logs are still missing. No sign of booting with
> SELinux set to permissive mode either to work around the errors
> you get.
Just tell me exactly which files a should check?
Should I run restorecon?

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