On 07/19/15 10:57, jd1008 wrote:
> It is gosh darned fast!!!!
> Like every 2 minutes.
> $ sudo systemctl -l | grep sysstat
> sysstat.service loaded active exited    Resets System Activity Logs 

Sorry I wasn't explicit ....

[root@meimei ~]# systemctl is-enabled sysstat-collect.timer
[root@meimei ~]# systemctl is-enabled sysstat.service

If they are enabled, disable them for the time being and check to see if the 
sealerts cease.

Also, check this label

[root@meimei ~]# ls -Z /usr/lib64/sa/sa1
system_u:object_r:sysstat_exec_t:s0 /usr/lib64/sa/sa1

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