On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 5:28 PM, John Wright <jwrig...@san.rr.com> wrote:

> Speaking of error messages - there _was_ an error message at the
> beginning of the install-to-disk process; but I had ignored it since
> it said something like 'problem found and corrected', or words to
> that effect. (Wipes egg off face.)  When I booted the live install
> again to get the data you requested, I payed more attention, and it
> led me to BZ bug # 1225671, which seems highly apropos.

So there's the kernel bug, 1225671, that ends up stopping the arrays,
but then there's a misleading message saying there's a problem that's
been corrected, yet clearly not corrected.

Does this same kernel call trace happen with Fedora 21's installer? Or
does it fail for a different reason?

There is a beta release criteria for this:

Hardware and firmware RAID
The installer must be able to detect and install to hardware or
firmware RAID storage devices.

And there are test cases, and there's an entry for software raid in
the test matrix. So it should get tested multiple times per build, and
there will be a dozen builds pre-alpha, pre-beta, and pre-final. So
it's a bit surprising this is so easy to hit (the bug report has
someone hitting it in virtual box).

Obviously this can't be fixed with official media, you could roll your
own workstation installer compose and instead use kernel 4.0.5 which
should fix this bug, and then you'd be able to install F22 to this
existing software raid.

Chris Murphy
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