On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 17:01:54 -0300 <tangen...@hushmail.com> wrote:

>     You can take the src rpm from Fedora 21 and use the command:
> rpmbuild --rebuild src rpm. This generates a version of aeskulap to
> Fedora 22. It works in several times.
>      Edward

I am not the "aeskulap guy" but I posted the following yesterday (it did not 
make it -- because it was too long).

Anyway, here is my message:

I downloaded the src,rpm from F21 and got the spec file and tried to build for 
However  I get a bunch of errors. Any suggestions?


First, the specfile:

$ fpaste aeskulap.spec
Uploading (7.7KiB)...
http://ur1.ca/n3fc1 -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/243003/36637116

And here are the errors (sorry, the output is quite long) so it is posted here:

$ fpaste errmsg.from.aeskulap 
Uploading (163.9KiB)...
http://ur1.ca/n3slz -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/243444/73339814


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