On Sun, 2015-07-12 at 16:20 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 07/12/15 01:38, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> > Can you give me a list of what repositories you are using.  Here is
> > what I got
> I used
> dnf -- nogpgcheck --releasever=21 install aeskulap
> And it install just fine as well.  It installed a total of 5 packages 
> from F21.
>  CharLS             x86_64       1.0-8.fc21                    fedora
>         66 k
>  aeskulap           x86_64       0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc21          fedora
>        1.1 M
>  dcmtk              x86_64       3.6.0-18.fc21                 fedora
>        3.9 M
>  gconfmm26          x86_64       2.28.3-8.fc21                 fedora
>         46 k
>  libglademm24       x86_64       2.6.7-11.fc21                 fedora
>         42 k
> And I found that dcmtk supplied libdcmdata.so.3.6
> -- 
> Sorta what I want to say when folks habitually complain about Fedora 
> - https://youtu.be/ZArl8fTfub4


Thank you for your reply.  I had to remove f22 dcmtk before this would
work, but at least I have my DICOM viewer back.  Thanks again!!!!!

I also received some communication from Ankur Sinha who is the
maintainer, and it appears that putting aeskulap in f22 is on todo

Thanks again to all of you to help me get this functionally on f22.

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