On 07/09/15 16:19, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 09/07/15 13:08, g wrote:
>> win7 has a recovery process that will build 3 dvd's to restore system.
>> to access it, press the 'windows' key, the key with the windows logo,
>> in the bottom left entry bar, [ Search programs and files ] enter the
>> word:  recovery  press <enter>.
>> you will then see a window with;
>>     Programs (2)
>>       Recovery Media Creator
>>       Recovery Media Creator Help
>> click on:   Recovery Media Creator
>> follow instructions in the:   Recovery Media Creator   window.
>> this must be run as 'Administrator'.
> I will look at this procedure, but three DVD's to restore Windows7?

i agree. ms has stock in dvd makers. ;-)

actually, i believe it is because the files are segregated. so, not
knowing what a user has added, the dvd's are allocated as to the type
of files. like: #1 = base system, #2 = additional, #3 = recovery programs.
which is just a guess, with #3 being the recovery boot dvd.

application dvd 3:
[geo@boxen TOSHIBA]$ ll
total 984
-r--------.  1 geo geo     49 Nov 28  2005 AUTORUN.INF
dr-x------. 38 geo geo   1768 Jun  1 16:03 comps1
-r--------.  1 geo geo      8 Sep  3  2007 DISK.1
-r--------.  1 geo geo  12261 Aug 10  2006 INSTALL2.CHM
-r--------.  1 geo geo  18276 Aug 10  2006 INSTALL.CHM
-r--------.  1 geo geo 955760 Aug 14  2009 INSTALL.EXE
-r--------.  1 geo geo  12893 Aug 31  2009 INSTALL.INI
[geo@boxen TOSHIBA]$ du -h *
9.7M    comps1/TC0009130   4.5M     comps1/TC0009150
22M     comps1/TC0012630    37M     comps1/TC0014330
15M     comps1/TC0014820    26M     comps1/TC0014830
42M     comps1/TC0016370    22M     comps1/TC0019060
13M     comps1/TC0020970    86M     comps1/TC0021240
43M     comps1/TC0021470    55M     comps1/TC0021490
20M     comps1/TC0022160    2.3M    comps1/TC0022170
4.0M    comps1/TC1003250    110M    comps1/TC1003260
2.7M    comps1/TC1003270    14M     comps1/TC1003280
3.6M    comps1/TC1003290    635M    comps1/TC1003300
4.2M    comps1/TC1003310    7.3M    comps1/TC1003320
137M    comps1/TC1003330    3.4M    comps1/TC1003620
5.8M    comps1/TC1003710    5.9M    comps1/TC1003730
16M     comps1/TC3000800    9.4M    comps1/TC4002380
7.3M    comps1/TC4004990    14M     comps1/TC4006020
14M     comps1/TC4006030    29M     comps1/TC4006540
70M     comps1/TC4006570    13M     comps1/TC4006900
114M    comps1/TC4007240    21M     comps1/TC4007590
1.6G    comps1
2.0K    DISK.1
[geo@boxen TOSHIBA]$

recovery dvd 1:
[geo@boxen TI103196W0D]$ ll
total 390
dr-x------. 1 geo geo   4096 Jun  1 15:13 BIN
dr-x------. 1 geo geo   2048 Jun  1 15:13 BOOT
-r--------. 1 geo geo 383562 Jul 13  2009 BOOTMGR
-r--------. 1 geo geo    187 Jun  1 15:08 DATA.INI
-r--------. 1 geo geo   1807 Sep  1  2009 PLANDATA.INI
dr-x------. 1 geo geo   2048 Jun  1 15:13 PLANFOLDER
dr-x------. 1 geo geo   2048 Jun  1 15:13 SOURCES
-r--------. 1 geo geo      0 Jun 29  2009 !V6_00_03.VRP
dr-x------. 1 geo geo   2048 Jun  1 15:13 ZZImages
[geo@boxen TI103196W0D]$ du -h *
8.6M    BIN/X64
15M     BIN
15M     BOOT
512     DATA.INI
4.0K    PLANFOLDER/TI103196W00
0       !V6_00_03.VRP
4.0G    ZZImages/ZZImages
4.0G    ZZImages
[geo@boxen TI103196W0D]$

recovery dvd 2:
[geo@boxen TI103196W0D]$ ll
total 4
-r--------. 1 geo geo 187 Jun  1 15:08 DATA.INI
dr-x------. 3 geo geo  88 Jun  1 15:34 ZZImages
[geo@boxen TI103196W0D]$ du -h *
2.0K    DATA.INI
3.4G    ZZImages/ZZImages
3.4G    ZZImages
[geo@boxen TI103196W0D]$

> I'm not sure it's worth that, and what does restore mean,

restore what was operational. ie, base system, service packs, user added
programs and files. all of which would be needed if one needed to restore
system that was lost, corrupted, etc, etc...

> would I have a copy I could install in a VM in a different computer or
> does it only restore using a "hidden" file on the original computer?

if your install uses 3 partitions, you would have to allocate 3 partitions
in vm.

on this toshiba, 1st part = system boot and data, 2nd part = actual system,
3rd part = hddrecovery.

how the names came about and apply, that is something for someone more
familiar with today's oos. i dropped oos at w95b.

> Sounds iffy ...

i understand, but you have to consider that you are not installing from
ms oem disk. recovery/restore is just that. also, because it is a laptop,
you need special drivers for unique hardware of dell.

something that may best be answered by someone who has built a vm image.

if 'dd' can be used to create a vm image then 'dd' would be way to go.
but you do need to mount drive with something like partition magic live,
then look at drive to see if it is sliced up.

> For me Fedora running from a flash drive is a joy to use compared to the 
> installed Windows7.

hell, anything is a joy to run instead of oos. only reason i saved win7
on my laptop is to play the win games i have. ;-)

> Even the touch pad works better and I didn't think I could manage without
> a track ball.

if your track ball is usb, win7 will find it during boot up and make it

this post could be considered as "TMI", but it is only that i am trying
to pass along to you what you may have in store.

in closing, did you get a dell oem cd for your laptop? i do believe that
for someone to sell a computer with ms system installed, they are required
to also supply the install cd. in your case, that cd must be a dell oem cd.


peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.6



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