Ed Greshko wrote:
> So, you are suggesting that existing users that are aware of 
> http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/ bookmark those pages, yes?
bookmarks do help find pages when there is need to return to page.

it is why i use them and i well give credit that that is why
address books were cerated.

> What about newcomers to Linux and Fedora?

see post: Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 17:00:03 +0000
majority of noise is not for 'new users' and their needs.

> How would they determine they should bookmark these pages?

see above.

> Is there a difference between an "Activity" and a "Spin"?  If so, what is
> the difference?





at one time, term 'spin' was used for a basic distribution, and a
'spin-off' was a special intent of use for a distribution, ie, 'fel'.

> If not, why not just have a "Spin" tab?  Seems to me it would be more
> consistent.

ask me not. for i did not design pages.

this thread has become to look more like a bunch of 'harry high school'
debate team.

to which, *end of story*.


peace out.



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learn linux:
'Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition' http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html
'The Linux Documentation Project' http://www.tldp.org/
'LDP HOWTO-index' http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/index.html
'HowtoForge' http://howtoforge.com/

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