On 07/07/15 17:24, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 07/07/15 05:02, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> >I created a new user, rfg, and Firefox appears to work normally with 
>>> >images, the weatherunderground Norfolk radar is good again. However using 
>>> >a new user entails more reconfiguration than I wanted. It would be better 
>>> >to remove the update triggering the problem, or I guess if I can't do that 
>>> >the only thing I can think of is to remove all of Firefox and start anew. 
>>> >One of the add-ons may be responsible for the problem even after disabling 
>>> >them?
>>> >
>> First of all, none of the packages you listed are likely to have caused the 
>> problem.
>> Second, if an upgrade did cause the problem it would exist for all users, 
>> new and old, since updates don't affect user's directories.
> .
> .
> That sounds logical.
>> I would....
>> mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-orig
>> And then start firefox.
> .
> Good, did that and the problem is fixed, now to "reconfigure" Firefox to work 
> as I want it to.
> A mystery worked around ...
> Thanks for the help,
You're welcome....

I should have added that once that worked I would move  back the extensions and 
plugins directories back to their original position, one by one, to see if the 
problem returns. 

Sorta what I want to say when folks habitually complain about Fedora - 
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