On 05/27/2010 07:36 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
> Anyone know where /etc/modprobe.conf comes from?
> Every f13 installation I have done has created it during the install,
> rpm says no package
> owns it, and the boot messages are full of blats about how bad it is
> to have that
> file (the file is empty, so it is easy enough to delete, but if it is
> obsolete, who the
> devil keeps creating it?).

I looked on my F12 system, and I don't have a modprobe.conf file anymore
(I did under FC6, and F9).  However, module-init-tools package still has
a man page for it, so it may not yet be fully obsolete.  RTFM could
help.  My F11 system seems to have converted my old modprobe.conf to use
the new modprobe.d setup.  (It still has a modprobe.conf~ file, but not
a modprobe.conf file.)  It is possible that the file is still being used
by some old software (3rd party packages or other software/drivers) that
doesn't realize its being deprecated.

If you delete it and reboot, does it re-appear?  If so, try and figure
out what is making it reappear.  Look at your startup scripts,
especially your local ones.  If its empty, it shouldn't be a problem.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)
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