On 05/27/2010 04:58 AM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 13:42 -0700, Suvayu Ali wrote:
>> On Wednesday 26 May 2010 01:31 PM, � Duffy wrote:
>>> As I already explained clearly: torrents, jigdo, and mirrors are not
>>> required to download and enjoy Fedora. These alternative and in some
>>> cases niche methods for downloading Fedora are not essential for
>>> actually obtaining Fedora.
>> Jigdo, maybe but calling torrents as a niche method is probably incorrect.
> That is why I said, "in some cases."
> Adding a direct link to torrents is costly because there's enough users
> who do not know what a torrent is that you have to then also create and
> somehow fit or work in an explanation of what they are and potentially
> link to a tutorial that explains how to use them...
That is pure BS. 

If people don't know what a bittorrent is or a jigdo they will ignore
it...as long as you don't make those the primary download methods.  As
to those that know what they are...if those methods are available they
should have a place in the "Get Fedora" page.  They should not have to
hunt it down just because they are "intelligent".

http://software.opensuse.org/112/en   has a direct link to bittorrent
http://www2.mandriva.com/downloads/  has an obvious link to bittorent
http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download has "Alternative
Downloads" that simply leads you to bittorrent.
http://www.debian.org/distrib/ has a direct link to bottorrent
http://www.slackware.com/getslack/  has a direct link to bittorrent
http://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=59  has a direct link to a torrent

I could go on.....

By your logic...anyone with knowledge of a torrent would go to the "get
fedora" page, find there is no torrent for fedora and choose a different
distro and everyone that visited the pages above would flock to fedora
when they encountered the dreaded "bittorrent" links.

If you spent half as much time designing a decent download page as
you've spent defending a poor decision you wouldn't be hearing grief.

A candidate is a person who gets money from the rich and votes from the
poor to protect them from each other. 葛斯克 愛德華 / 台北市八德路四段

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