On 05/25/2010 05:41 AM, Tim wrote:

>> You may have to build the indexes after the files are moved.
> Hmm, the sort of thing I was hoping to avoid.  If I used a mail client
> to move the mail, it'd move the messages in a manner that was directly
> usable, straight away.  Rather than play games directly with the files.

  Not with dovecot - it is self healing and will auto rebuild indexes as

  Speed issues are client dependent - e.g if you use thunderbird and
leave GLODA turned on .. you're essentially doomed with large mail
folders!! Also clients that store mail for offline reading may do it in
mbox format (thunderbird for example) and they will simply convert your
lovely server into a local mbox .. so turn that off too!!!

  I had a script somewhere to convert mbox to dovecot maildir ... will
dig around and see if i still have it.

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