On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 21:40 +0300, Markku Kolkka wrote:
> Linuxguy123 kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika tiistai, 25. 
> toukokuuta 2010):
> > I came to the same conclusion but haven't purchased the N900
> > due to the lack of an update to Maemo 5 and Meego not shipping
> > in any meaningful way yet.
> Maemo 5 version 1.2 will be available tomorrow (May 26th). There 
> won't be any official upgrade to Meego on N900. 
> http://conversations.nokia.com/2010/05/25/nokia-n900-software-update-release-1-2/

That is exactly the reason I held off from buying one.  I'll wait for
the N950 or whatever they call it, running Meego before I buy

Maemo is a dead platform.  It took them forever to release this update
and I doubt there will be another one.

I want something like Fedora for mobile devices.  I'm hoping thats

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